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Saturday Express
Saturday Xpress

Let’s get hyped! This class aims to motivate and inspire with high energy music for our lightning fast rhythm ride.
The goals are simple: lift your personal performance, boost your cardio fitness and fill your cup before you seize the day. 

General format:
- If you are limited for time and seeking a cardiovascular challenge, this is the class for you.
- This ride has something for everyone with a mix of climbs, runs, jogs, intervals, & sprints.

Musical Inspirations: R&B, EDM, Hip Hop, Rap, Reggae, Pop

The Class by the Numbers:
No weights
Doubles: 2
Runs: 3
Choreo: 1
Push-ups: 2
Isolations: 3
Breakaways: 3
Explicit: yes
Fun: Super

Instructors Who Teach This Class

None Available
