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Fuse: R&R (Rocket/Restore) Fusion Yoga
R&R Yoga Is a mix of Rocket yoga and Restorative. Rocket Yoga is fast-paced and has a dynamic flow. Its structure is similar to that of Ashtanga Yoga, consisting of Sun Salutations, standing poses, seated poses, twists, and even arm balances and inversions. Now don't let that be intimidating, Rocket is the class where we GET to practice those types of postures. Rocket gets you there faster. The Rocket Yoga section is about 75 minutes.
Restorative Yoga  poses help relieve the effects of stress brought on by our daily lives. The work of this gentle and nourishing practice improves range of motion and joint mobility utilizing props, gravity and a little bit of time. Designed to be gentle and forgiving to the body, teaching us to release tension through the breath. 45 minutes

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