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Pet CPR/First Aid
Emergency treatment and first aid for pets should never be used as a substitute for veterinary care. But it may save your dog’s life before you can get to a veterinarian. In this unique class you will learn how to recognize problems, minimize injury and take action. $95 for class including a pet first aid kit or $55 not including the kit.
So what do you do for your cat or dog in an emergency until you can get them to the Vet? Our Pet Hero Certified Training is ideal for:

Pet Owners
Dog Walkers
Pet Sitters
Pet Trainers
Anyone who works with dogs or cats, or
Anyone who wants a good base in dealing with pet emergencies.

Attendees will gain confidence and skills necessary to tend to unexpected pet emergencies until professional veterinary attention is acquired. Becoming pet first aid certified by an accredited organization sends your clients the message that you are not only a credible professional, but that you truly care about their cat or dog. Upon completion of the course, you earn a 2-year certification in pet first aid and are able to print a personal wall certificate verifying your completion of the course and listing the topics you’ve learned.

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