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Core Blast
Core Blast is a short yet challenging workout which targets your abs, back and midriff. A strong core can help with balance, posture and overall strength.
When you have a strong core, everything improves, like your co-ordination, balance and flexibility. This 'hardcore' workout hones in on your mid section and works muscles you never knew you had to create the body you want.
Why choose Core Blast?

Short and sharp workout targeting key areas
Tones and flattens the stomach
Great for strengthening backs and defining abs
8-10 different exercise work every muscle
Improves posture

Is it right for me?

If you want an intense express workout concentrating on your middle
Great for conditioning tummy muscles
Ideal of improving overall strength, fitness

What do I need?

Just bring water and a towel – and prepare to work your core.


Instructors Who Teach This Class

None Available
