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Training Day
This class is approximately 55 minutes of high intensity, total body workout, which will have also have a barbell movement to it. We add a teamwork element to the class as much as possible, along with our staple calisthenics workout with cadence. Some things we do in class are sprints on our turf, jumps, pushing and pulling sleds and TRX. There are also dumb bells, kettle bells and battle ropes along with many other accessory items that we may incorporate into a circuit.
Dec 9th - January 3rd
Monday - Deadlift
Tuesday - Bench Press
Wednesday - Squats
Thursday - Pull-ups
Friday - Over Head Press

***Any class cancelled after the 10 hour window will be charged to your account.  Unlimited clients will be charged a $20 late fee.***

Instructors Who Teach This Class

None Available
