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HIIT 50 min lunch time
this shorter class is perfect to condition your muscles before class. Why be in Ok shape, when you can be in the shape of your life. 
 A fun and great way to lose weight and get stronger than you have ever been- a shortened version only 50-minute total body workout done to professional sound and air conditioned cardio room. We utilize heart rate monitor technology to help you reach E.P.O.C (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption) Using treadmills, water rowers, TRX and weights, This is a fitness phenomenon that kicks the body's metabolism into overdrive and causes your body to burn additional calories up to 36 hrs after the end of your workout!
 Combine two HIIT with two yoga classes a week to find the most incredible body with calm mind to excel at everything you do. 
Everybody needs cardio, weights, stretching, and meditation.

Instructors Who Teach This Class

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