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Monthly Restorative Yoga Class
Typically, a yoga class begins with a series of more active poses and ends with a brief restorative time. Restorative Yoga is intended to take the mindfulness that is found in all disciplines of yoga to the next level. It is slow, and it is still. It is as much (if not more) about the mind as it is about the body.

Restorative yoga is simply that, restorative. It is the centering of your breath and body, where you will align the physical and mental state by practicing stillness and gentle movements. A typical restorative yoga class at H2L Studio will be an hour and 15 mins, during that time participants move slowly from pose to pose and use as many props as possible to find a deep stretch. Poses are held often 6 to 9 mins at a time.The goal of restorative yoga is to calm the mind and body and to be wholly present, focusing on one breath at a time, as it is with meditation.

“ There is nothing mysterious about practicing restorative poses: you gather the props you need, set yourself up in a pleasant space, then settle in and relax. Unlike other exercise programs, restorative poses place minimal metabolic demand on you. They add to your energy rather than subtract from it. During these periods of deep relaxation, you will be healed and nurtured from within.” Relax and Renew by Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D.,P.T.

In life, we are often asked to do more and more, stay busy and multi-task, yoga, especially restorative yoga asks us to be still on purpose, to notice how we feel and to be “okay” with slowing down. Restorative poses relieve the effects of chronic stress and help us “reset” physically, mentally and even emotionally.

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