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Men Clique-n-Cycle
WHAT HAPPENS-We offer free shoe rentals to clip in for better stability and become one with the bike. Pulsing music blares in the studio with black lights as our instructor leads the "Clique" through a fun and challenging ride choreographed to the beat while encouraging a heavier resistance or faster pedal speed. It's a total party you want to be a part of! GOOD FOR BEGINNERS- Always! As Long as you arrive early so we can measure you to fit comfortably to the bike. Also you can take it at your own pace until you get the hang of it! It isn’t a competition and no one will notice if you need to lower resistance and sit in the saddle since we ride in minimal light. BODY BENEFITS- Burning between 500 and 700 calories per class, you will sculpt crazy-strong legs, tone the arms, abs and obliques with our upper body routines, leaving you with a tighter waistline!

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