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Balance & More 50+
This class incorporates 3 in one! 
"All Chair" - strictly chair-based and involves gentle stretching the whole body head to toe.  Especially geared for those with mobility issues. 
"Arm, Hips & Core" - a chair-hybrid class that focuses primarily on gentle stretching & strengthening of the arms, hips, and core.  Incorporating samba movements. (No dance experience necessary.)   
"Balance" - a chair-hybrid class that is designed to help improve balance by focusing on the feet, ankles, calf, quadriceps, hamstring muscles and lower back.  Also incorporates elements of classical ballet movement. (No dance experience necessary.)
Every week 2 of the 3 classes listed in the description above will be taught together for a gentle stretching and strengthening workout.

Instructors Who Teach This Class

None Available
