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“The most important thing is to try and inspire people so they can be great in whatever they want to do.” -Kobe Bryant
Why do you teach at HypeHouse?

I teach at HypeHouse because I love the workout - it allows me to express myself in a way that I have never done before. It gives me the opportunity to inspire and move people, and connect with them on a deeper level. It allows me to be apart of a community of people that is so empowering and supportive.

What do you want your riders to get/feel from your class?

I want my riders to have a space where they don’t have to worry about what they look like, can forget about shit that’s going on in their life, and just have a safe place where they can have an emotional/physical/mental release.

What is your favourite type of music to ride to?

My favorite type of music to ride to is songs with a heavy bass, and heavy tension. I love it because everyone can get on the beat and really feel it, allowing the class to embrace their inner badass.

Favorite day off activity?

I love to be with my family, friends, and dogs, dancing, singing, and loving life!
