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“If you want to soar in life you must first learn to F.L.Y (First love yourself)”
Hey, my name is Whitney and I'm your Richmond Hill Studio Manager as well as one of your new coaches. I'm here to help you, encourage you, and laugh with you. It is with great pleasure that I get to see your smiles each day when you walk into Hers. My main goal is to continue to make sure that every time you visit Hers you have an amazing experience, and an energizing workout. What lead me to Hers is my passion for helping people, being a survivor of domestic abuse and having gone through literal life and death situations due to low self esteem and no self worth. I became determined to give back and help people as much as I can. I want to be part of that journey of helping women to feel empowered and to know that they are enough and they are worth it! Outside of Hers I enjoy spending time with my kids, making music and trying new hairstyles. Fun fact: (you may see me change up my hair from time to time as I make wigs and will be launching my own hair /wig business). I love to sing, eat, and make people laugh, I love tattoos and I am also a major foodie! I am a work in progress but I stand with a strong, inspiring and powerful team beside me. These are just a few things about me. I can't wait to get to know all of you better!
