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Victor A.
"The more you sweat in peace time, the less you bleed in war time"
What started your fitness journey?
I was the fat kid everyone used to pick on back in the day. I started to play soccer in my youth, but what really made me take my health more seriously was bootcamp when I ventured into the military. That discipline increased my mental and physical strength tenfold.
What led you into the industry?
I was working as a basic trainer at Valley Total Fitness. I started working with Walt while I was training for a Spartan race. Our energy vibed very well together - we’re both so ambitious and we want the same things - working together was a natural next step.
What does Synergy mean to you?
Synergy is bringing the best out of everyone, while doing it in an environment where you're not only a member; but a family member. To the point, we might even take care of you better than your own family.
What’s your favorite workout?
Believe it or not, as much as I use to complain about it - Leg workouts!
Favorite playlist song?
I always go to Spotify Slipknot Radio.
Favorite class?
When I’m teaching, I take my own class. Coach Zach teaches every Friday, I made a commitment to the members that as long as they join me - I’ll be there.
What do you love about living in Fresno?
We have some funky weather, but I’ve lived here so long I’m use to it. Today, I still think going back home is nice, but I’ve been here so long and seen so many transformations - but there’s never a boring day here.
What would you encourage someone new to working out to start with?
There’s never a right moment to start. The pain the suffering and the soreness will be worth it when you’re at a whole new level mentally, emotionally and physically. The goal is to be ready to tackle whatever life throws at you.
Favorite cheat day snack? Ice cream, specifically Coldstone.
