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Lindsay V.

What's your life theme song?
"Beautiful Day.” I love the message of this song. I try and live each day to the fullest. I do my best to find the beauty in each and every day. I don't want to waste it being negative or by surrounding myself with pessimistic people. That is why you will notice that while my classes are tough, they are full of smiles and laughs.
If money were no object what would you do?
I would do exactly what I do now. I love teaching group exercise and don't plan on stopping until I am physically unable. I would probably take more time to travel though in between my teaching schedule.
What's your recipe for a hot class?
Loud, kickass music, lots of sweat and most importantly lots of smiles. I want all my participants leaving class feeling like a success.
If you could go for a drink with any musician/rock star dead or alive who would it be?
Katy Perry. I may sound delusional, but I really think we would be friends. She seems super nice, funny, down to earth and lots of fun - not to mention super talented and I love her songs.
Number one core value:
Kindness. I live by the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
