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Kelly R.
Why do you ride?
For the mental release. Knowing that for 45 minutes, this is my only focus: to come in, work hard, and forget about the outside challenges life brings to all of us. I've worked through some pretty incredible things in my life because of BurnCycle. It’s had a huge impact on me and I hope to bring that journey to others too.
What do you do when you're not Burning?
I just started a winery! There will be a lot of selling wine and taste testing (as needed, of course) in my future. I also love traveling with my husband and hanging out with my dog, Gary, as much as I possibly can.

That epic trip you're going to take one day - go:

Colombia, I would love to see where my Dad was born+raised and experience the culture of my heritage that I'm so proud of!


If the world was ending and you have time to ride to one more song, what would it be?

Probably the Free Willy Theme Song, "Will You Be There" by the one and only, MJ. I literally can't think of a better song I'd want to go out to.
