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Carrie N.
Originally from LaPlata, Maryland - I grew up involved in lots of extra-curricular activities, but continually struggled with my weight. I played softball, ran cross country - but, just struggled to really find my passion. After high school, I went to Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and my weight loss journey started there. I fell in love with running while I was in college and found it was a great way to stay active and meet new people. I proceeded to run 4 - 1/2 marathons, 1 full marathon and lots of 5k's. I met my husband, Adam while in Lynchburg and we got married on September 3, 2005. We have moved around quite a bit since then - Greensboro, Fort Myers, Florida and back to Greensboro :) During that time, I fell in love with group fitness. I've previously taught Les Mills Body Pump and Body Attack and currently teach Metabolic Effect classes in the community. Just love the friendships that group fitness has brought into my life and the motivation that the group atmosphere provides! We moved back to the Greensboro area when our daughter, Dylan turned 1 to be close to family. We are now here to stay! After years of experimenting with different modes of exercise, I've found that a combination of cardio - whether it be spinning/running and weight training works best for me. I'm excited to be a part of the team and look forward to this adventure!
