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Mackenzie W.
"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." - Fred DeVito (Mackenzie's barre trainer) Mackenzie grew up as a sometime athlete. She swam, ran track in high school, and started practicing yoga consistently when she was 18. Ten years ago she began taking barre classes and fell in love with this full-body workout. She loved the challenge and the structure, but because she hadn't grow up as a dancer, she thought she would never be able to teach barre. But if you take one of Mackenzie's classes at The Sweat Shoppe, you'll see right away that she can teach and that Mackenzie is DETERMINED. She approached barre as she usually approaches challenges in her life: She worked as hard as she possibly could, figured it out, and began teaching barre in 2006 (before it was popular)! As an actress, she loved the physical results that barre classes offered. As a spiritual person, she loved nurturing the mind-body connection. Mackenzie started cycling at the Sweat Shoppe 5 years ago to get in shape for her wedding. Her new barre classes at the Shoppe will be a perfect fit for her! They will leave you centered, stronger, more energized, more flexible, and, she hopes, happier.
