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“Turn your wounds into wisdom.“ - Oprah
Adrienne is inspired by the world and the wonderful people in it. She has taken time to focus on helping people through volunteering, a public sector career, and becoming an Indoor Cycling Instructor. Adrienne was able to lose over 30 pounds in the past three years with a well-balanced diet, running, and indoor cycling. For her, being an Indoor Cycling Instructor is an opportunity to help others reach their fitness goals.
Three Songs I'm Listening to Right Now:

Wait by Maroon 5, Supplies by Justin Timberlake, Pineapple Skies by Migel

"When I'm not on the bike...

I'm volunteering with nonprofits in DC or exploring with my pitbull, Marla..

Guilty Pleasure:

Binge watching Netflix comedies while enjoying Talenti gelato with slivered almonds

Favorite Karaoke Song

I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor
