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Nicole has practiced yoga for over 15 years but her passion for Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, began over five years ago. Nicole used the practice to manage her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of her work in conflict and humanitarian settings. Nicole is known in the Kundalini Yoga community as Satya Adi Kaur, primal truth. With a childhood dream to have a conversation with the entire world, Nicole’s passion for building communities with a strong ethos towards empathy and compassion continues through yoga, consulting and counseling. Nicole is also a visiting lecturer at Middlesex University Dubai, in their Law and Politics program and holds a license of social work in New Jersey. She is a Certified Kundalini Yogi teacher from the Kundalini Research Institute. She is currently a Trustee of B One Foundation which promotes wellness and mindfulness in urban communities in London and a Trustee of Project Maji Foundation, which provides clean water in Africa.
