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Tina W.
Hometown: Tia Juana, Venezuela (but, really, here and there)

Fitness Philosophy: Once you incorporate fitness as part of your lifestyle, you'll wonder how you lived any other way!

Favorite Personal Workout: 8 -10 mile run with friends

After 28 years in independent school advancement, I decided to change careers. I thought: what do I enjoy doing most? The answer was swimming, cycling and running (triathlon). I decided to become a personal trainer to share my love of fitness with others. I truly enjoy teaching people how to jog/run and introducing them to a variety of strength and cardio exercises, including lifting, HIIT and Balanced Athlete. My coaching style is encouraging - anybody can improve their fitness and, with it, their quality of life.

Personal Trainer, W.I.T.S.
Group Exercise Instructor, A.F.A.A.
Balanced Athlete, I and 2
Spinning® Instructor, Mad Dogg Athletics®
Running Coach, Road Runners Club of America

