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Bri loves to be on both sides of the hall teaching both cycle and yoga! Her philosophy is that exercise should be something you look forward to everyday and brings that energy, and a smile, into the room.
She doesn't want you to come in and zone out during a workout, instead she wants you to hit that climb with just a little more resistance than last time or hold a plank and smile at yourself for pushing right into the challenge without a second thought. It's not enough to just be physically fit as mental strength is just as important. While she is going to push you outside of your comfort zone sometimes, Bri wants it to be an active choice and to be a time of exploration into how strong you truly are.
"Showing up is the hardest part" is a philosophy she truly stands by, and while she loves to see you make progress, being connected to your breath and honoring your body is a lesson she incorporates into every class. Just like you need to actively choose to challenge yourself, it's important to know when to just sit back in child's pose and breathe. 
Challenges, laughter, and being welcoming to all levels is guaranteed.
